How to approach the venue
Due due to the extremely high number of visitors, we would like to kindly ask you to approach Hungexpo competition venue by public transport.
Take Metro line 2 to Pillangó utca, then walk to Gate 1
Take tram line 37/37A to Pongrácz úti lakótelep, then walk to Gate 1
Take tram line 3, 28/28A, 62/62A or bus line 85, 162/162A, 185 to Ónodi utcam then walk to Gate 3.
Take bus line 10 from Örs vezér tere to Gate 1. please note, that the capacity of the bus is limited, so we advise you to choose alternative ways for your arrival. Those who arrive with Bus 10 please take off and get on it at Gate 1.
Parking for private cars and buses will not be possible neither on site, nor on Albertirsai utca, except for those who previously arranged their parking and received confirmation.

Drop-off and pick-up point for buses are available:

In front of Gate 3 at bus drop off/pick up points
close to Gate 6
Please be informed, that after the drop off of the visitors the bus needs to drive off right away.

There is a possibility to leave the empty buses at the parking spot, close tot he Albertirsai út-Fehér út intersection or at Ifjúság útja P+R parking spaces close to Papp László Budapest Sportaréna.

Entrance for visitors
You can enter the venue through Gate 1 and Gate 3.

Thank you for your cooperation and kind understanding!


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